How to prepare for 5 Common Winter Hazards

The winter is coming fast and the next thing you know we will be hearing Christmas songs in all the stores. Something we don't always look at is all the ways we should be preparing our homes for some hazards that are specific to this time of year. 


Frozen Pipes

We need to be concerned with any outdoor pipes we may have and even our indoor ones to a degree. When water freezes it expands and will push against the walls of the pipes it is in and possibly cause them to burst. Making sure your house is properly insulated and adding something like an insulated covering to these pipes can help save aggravation and money. 

Roof Issues

Winter weather is not very good for the exterior of your home. Snow may be pretty to look at but the weight can cause serious damage to your roof, as well as all the moisture from it melting. It is always a good idea to try and remove as much snow from your roof as soon as you can.

Power Outages

The weight of snow is not just bad for your roof, but it can also potentially bring down power lines. The snow-covered roads will also cause difficulty for crews to get out quickly to repair them. Looking into things like generators is a great way to safeguard against this.


Icicles can be gorgeous but they are also very dangerous. As the weather changes from warmer to colder they will grow and if they fall can cause someone bodily damage. You can install roof heating coils to prevent them altogether.

Dark Days

Winter also means shorter daylight hours. This could be dangerous especially in icy conditions. Installing motion-activated lights or even smart lights will help make sure your path is always lit when you need it. 


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