Top 5 Tips for Deep Frying a Turkey

Thanksgiving is a time for family, football and traditions coming to life as we set in for the holiday season.  One of the newest traditions that we’ve seen take over and grow in popularity over the last several years is deep frying a turkey. 


We’ve Put Together Our Top 5 Tips To Ensure That You Have A Safe Holiday That Doesn’t Go Up In Flames.

  1. Make sure your turkey is completely thawed and dry before cooking.  The main reason for deep fryer fires is caused when water mixes into the hot oil.

  2. Make sure you place your fryer on a level surface.

  3. Speaking of surfaces, keep that fryer off your deck, outside your garage and overall a safe distance from the house. 

  4. Make sure you monitor the temperature of the oil carefully.  Cooking oil does have a smoking point and can catch fire. 

  5. Once finished, carefully remove the pot from the burner, and cover allowing the oil to cool overnight before disposing.

Wishing you and your family a happy and safe Thanksgiving!


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