Do you need to hire a professional following fire and water damage?

One of the worst possible scenarios has happened. Your home has been ravaged by fire or water damage. After the initial shock of all the damage passes, you need to plan your next move. Is this something you can handle on your own? Should you be looking for professionals to help clear out the damage and assess the livability of your home? Because fire and water damage are often thought of as something that happens to someone else, having a plan and knowing the steps to make it better are not always in the forefront of your mind. We all have a little bit of a “do-it-yourself” mentality, but there are some things that should be left to the professionals who are properly trained in dealing with this type of damage.


One of the main reasons to hire a professional is the fact that fire and water damage is dangerous because it contains debris that could harm you and your health. Glass, wood shards, smoke particles, mold, contaminants, and soot are just a few of the hazardous materials most likely in the area. The type of mess a fire or flood can cause makes it difficult to find all the things which can harm you. Professionals will have proper tools in order to locate these dangerous materials and take steps to remove them properly. 

Another reason to hire a professional is to deal with all the local ordinances regarding a major cleanup. There are details you may not be aware of such as dumpster placement and work permits that are all well known by a cleanup company and can be handled easily. 

One last reason to hire a professional is to help with restoring some of your personal belongings. What you may look at and consider destroyed may actually be salvageable. A crew who deals with fire and water damage regularly will be able to go through things and know what they can help bring back to life and what is unfortunately past the point of no return. 

If you’ve experienced loss due to fire or water damage, you don’t need to move forward alone. Calling a trusted professional like A GRADE Property Restoration will help you get back to normal quickly. Reach out to our experienced and trustworthy team today at 973-4REPAIR or here through our website


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