How To Prepare Your Trees For March Winds
March brings many amazing things such as the start of Spring, warm weather, and flowers beginning to bloom. Unfortunately, it also brings some very volatile weather and wind. In the Northeast, the windiest time of year runs from February 26th to March 31st with wind speed averages ranging from 9.6 - 10.3 miles per hour. Taking some precautions can protect you and your house from damage and unexpected expenses.
If you are just in the planning stages of your landscape design, knowing you are in an area that can get high crosswinds can help you choose the right types of trees. Trees with less dense canopies and stronger root structures such as Red Maple, Red Oak, and Bald Cypress are the best choices to protect your home.
Being in a home with an established landscape brings its own set of challenges. Following these steps will go a long way in helping to make sure you are protected:
Preventative Pruning
By properly pruning and removing weaker branches from your trees, you’re helping to protect your home in two ways. First, thinning the canopy of the tree creates less wind resistance and prevents stress on the trunk. This step can make the tree less likely to come down in high winds. Second, ridding your trees of the branches that can easily break off in a storm is an added layer of protection for your property.
Proper Watering And Care
Simply making sure your trees are given enough water will go a long way in protecting your home. Well-watered trees have a stronger root structure and are more likely to withstand winds.
March may come in like a lion and out like a lamb but following these easy tips can lead to less worry for you and reduce the likelihood of expensive repairs for your property.