Fall Preparation Checklist For Homeowners

As August comes to a close and the Fall approaches, we begin to look forward to the season of hoodies, firepits, and cooler temperatures. There are a few things that need to be done to your home and yard to make sure everything is ready for the winter months.  


Fertilize your Lawn

It is a good idea to give your lawn a healthy dose of fertilizer before the cold weather creeps in. Doing this will help promote strong blades and stronger roots. When the springtime comes around, your lawn will green up much faster.

Get Your HVAC Serviced

After a summer of your air conditioning chugging along, it is time to give it a rest and get it prepared for its winter nap. Cleaning the coils and changing the filter is the bare minimum that should be done. Be sure to call in a professional to truly get your system ready for winter if it hasn’t been serviced in a while. 

Clean Gutters

In the last few months, leaves could have accumulated in your gutters, especially if you live in a stormy area. The blockages cause water to not drain properly and end up coming down the side of your house and freezing in the winter. This can allow water to enter your basement or cause damage to your foundation. Using a leaf blower to clear any debris is the easiest way to make sure your gutters are clear.

Turn Off Outside Water

Water expands when it freezes and can add stress to any pipes. Turn off the outdoor water making sure all liquid is cleared from any outside lines and unhook your garden hoses from the spigot. This will help prevent your lines from bursting and causing a headache during the winter months. 

Winter will be here before you know it! These simple tasks can help reduce potential problems when the summer comes around again.


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